The Benefits of HappyFeet for Children, Families, and Schools

Benefits for Children

  • It’s FUN! Children LOVE HappyFeet - This will be your child’s favorite weekly activity!

  • Character Development! Children learn important emotional and social skills such as listening, following directions, and working with others.

  • Improve Balance, Coordination, and Agility! Children will develop their fine and gross motor skills by dribbling and shooting a soccer ball and constantly changing speed and direction.

  • Learn Basic Soccer Skills! HappyFeeters will learn important soccer skills that will prepare them for lifelong participation in the number one youth sport in the U.S., soccer!

  • Role models! Our kiddos LOVE their HappyFeet coaches, and they will become role models for them!

Benefits for Families

  • Convenience! Eliminate additional activities after work by having your child participate in their soccer class at school!

  • Save Time and Money! Less mileage and wear and tear on your car.

  • More Family Time! With one less after-school sports practice to attend, your family can spend more time together.

  • Give your child a sport-specific head start! HappyFeet is a truly great preparation program for soccer teams at all later levels (club, high school, college, and professional). Your child will enjoy and benefit from the HappyFeet experience at an early age while developing tremendous skills and the foundation of leadership character for all subsequent soccer involvement!

Benefits for Schools

  • Academic and Behavioral Benefits! Children are likely to be more focused and engage in more on-task behavior after thirty minutes of physical activity!

  • Rebates! We provide schools with a rebate which they can use for important supplies and activities!

  • We do all of the work! We handle all of the communications, marketing, and payments - we are responsible for EVERYTHING!

  • Flexibility! We can conduct HappyFeet classes in any location in a school at any time during the school day!

  • Staff children participate for free! Any staff member who has a son or daughter at their school can enroll them free of charge!